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Upgraded PHP / Forums

Started by PsuFan, February 13, 2022, 03:02:37 PM

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I was forced to upgrade PHP and the forums. Let me know if anyone is having issues with anything.

If anyone has had issues in the past logging into the Editor, please try now. Spent many hours overhauling login.
Email: my username +


Do we need to download the Editor file again?


Email: my username +


Quote from: PsuFan on February 13, 2022, 03:02:37 PM
I was forced to upgrade PHP and the forums. Let me know if anyone is having issues with anything.

If anyone has had issues in the past logging into the Editor, please try now. Spent many hours overhauling login.

I still can not log into the editor, nothing happens when I hit login. Also I can't open my maps. Everyone else's yes but not mine.


What the heck, are you using Windows? Can you use Internet Explorer? IE runs WebCC fine for me still.
Email: my username +


Yes I'm using windows 8.1 and no IE doesn't even work anymore it's now Mircosoft Edge. Even since flash went away I have not be able to login to the editor.


See if you can type internet explorer into the "type here to search" bar and see if IE also comes up, along with Edge. I still have it on my Windows 10.
Email: my username +


I am one step ahead of you on that, I did try to get IE to come up but it keeps closing and switching to Microsoft Edge. because it says IE is going away and no one will be able to use it after June 22. Soooo I don't know what else to try. Like I said though the editor does open but when I hit login nothing happens at all. Stays on the login screen.


Can you play your levels on the downloaded version? PM me your password so I can log into the editor as you.
Email: my username +


Quote from: PsuFan on February 27, 2022, 09:14:10 PM
Can you play your levels on the downloaded version? PM me your password so I can log into the editor as you.

I have no idea what I did but have finally got it to work.


You can edit your levels or just play the game? I had to remove the special characters in the titles to get the game to work. Do not use any non-english characters.
Email: my username +


Quote from: PsuFan on February 28, 2022, 01:54:49 PM
You can edit your levels or just play the game? I had to remove the special characters in the titles to get the game to work. Do not use any non-english characters.

I can edit , make & play .