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No More Guessing

Started by PsuFan, February 16, 2013, 10:22:21 PM

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You now can know for certain that a level is solvable. Just look for the green "check" next to the level number!

To all map makers: you will lose the "check" when your level, chips, or time is modified. You will have to solve your level again to receive the "check" back.

At this time, only moderators and developers can submit checks.

You have the power to make every day better.


Time to play all my levels! This should be fun!
The Last Few Chips
Volume I: 400 CC1 levels Plot
Volume II: Quasar Industries: 146/156 WebCC levels
Volume III: 0/450 CC2 levels


Since I haven't the honor of being a moderator or developer, feel free to play through all mine too. And Uncle Charlie's, and Race's, etc. :-)



You have the power to make every day better.


how does one become a developer here?

well...congrats jlhughes!


LOL!, Well, Kishi, you have more seniority than I do. I'm surprised I don't see the "D" word under your name too.

Now to go work on  my acceptance speech . . .


LOL.... i wish i had 'd' too. wud have enjoyed marking green n red marks !!
jlhughes...d suites u alot.


Wow an acceptance speech, cool.



Posts: 323
Maps: 94
You have the power to make every day better.


heyyy !! thts great...i am pleasantly surprised. thanks psufan.


Oh I am excited!  Welcome to the ranks girls!  It is very exciting to have you guys be developers too.  Now we just have to kidnap Uncle Charlie and we are a gang. 


I dont know who you are talking about.
You have the power to make every day better.


"Uncle Charlie" is BrandyBottle.


Seems that I have also been accorded that honour since I just saw a check mark appear on some levels I tried out. I like to run through various user levels partly to see which ones seem to have a grasp of what makes for good play and partly, I have to admit, to get new ideas for my own levels. Really neat to see levels getting the green light.


95 out of 2417 solved already lol
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I am having fun with it.  Putting green checks on levels that I played that are not in the public pack at all.  Will the checks add up if enough of us play them?